Professional Background

Dr. Katherine Sellwood is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Encino, California, who specializes in adult, child, and forensic family psychology.  She has garnered a diverse professional background since entering the field in 1996, that includes work in the following areas: assessing developmental and learning disabilities, executive director and start up grant writer for the non-profit Rose City Counseling Center, consulting staff psychologist at skilled treatment facilities and the California Medical Center, undergraduate and graduate level academic Professor of Psychology, and court appointed expert in high conflict cases.  Dr. Sellwood has been a guest lecturer and provided in service seminars on topics that include anger management, anxiety, bullying, care taking for aging parents, depression, developing resilience, early childhood development, executive functioning management, eating disorders and body image issues, learning disabilities, loss and grief, play therapy techniques, relational trauma, and understanding behavioral difficulties.

Dr. Sellwood began her Master's Degree training at Pepperdine University to continue and graduate from C.S.P.P. with a Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology.  She went on to obtain specialty accreditation as a Diplomate with the American Board of Professional Psychology.  She holds a license in clinical psychology from the state of California and is on the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology.  She has received professional honors and recognition through the Psy Chi National Honor Society of Psychology, the California Senate for excellence in school counseling, student nominated America’s Teachers, and peer nominated Sierra Tucson’s Gratitude for Giving.